Daily Horoscope (Raasi palan) for 11.7.2014

Aries (Mesham):People may be a bit critical of you today, Aries, and you would do well to hear what they have to say. Be receptive of feedback from others so that you may establish a healthy ego. It’s important to … Continue reading

Daily Horoscope (Raasi Palan) For 8.4.2014

Aries (Mesham):
It’s possible that the last few weeks have allowed you to gain a little clarity on certain questions you may have about your vocation, Aries. You might even be a little clearer about your feelings concerning what your destiny might be. The planetary energy makes this a good time to stop thinking about such questions and let your life take over. You are well prepared for this kind of thing!
Taurus (Reshabam):
These past three weeks were rather good for your equilibrium, Taurus. It was just a matter of getting a bit more involved in life than is usual for you, and showing what you’re capable of. It’s likely you had a mixture of successes and setbacks, but on the whole, improvements have been steady. You might have noticed that something about you needed improvement, but isn’t that true for everyone?
Gemini (Mithunam):
It isn’t always pleasant to have to question oneself, Gemini, but this is the main objective of today’s planetary energies – to launch you into new adventures. So take advantage of the configuration to look inside and find the source of some of your setbacks. This isn’t an easy exercise, to be sure, but it will do you an enormous amount of good. Just be honest with yourself.
Cancer (Kadagam):
Today isn’t a day for meditation, Cancer. The planetary energies are asking you to step outside of yourself and get back into the world again! You’ve been doing an awful lot of thinking about your image recently, and now you’re going to have to test out how the “new and improved” you operates in your daily life. You can expect some pleasant feedback and truly lasting changes!
Leo (Simmam):
If you have grievances about your love life, Leo, today is the day to speak up. Indeed, today requires only total honesty and forthrightness in all areas. You can expect to confront “the other,” whether it’s your mate or co-worker, on the basis of truth and righteousness. Rest assured you’ll command his or her attention! Be careful that the weight of your words doesn’t surpass that of your thoughts.
Virgo (Kanni):
Are you thinking of switching careers or traveling to the other side of the world, Virgo? Or perhaps you just want to pull a “Greta Garbo” and stay at home alone with the shades drawn tight. A series of small incidents at work is likely to inspire you with the most outlandish of ideas. It might just be that you sense your inner need for a change of scene.
Libra (Thulam):
You’re likely to find people somewhat irritating today, Libra. It’s as though nothing is good enough, and nobody seems to know exactly what he or she wants. You’ll reign supreme within this maze of overt conflict and dissatisfaction. You might even be asked to step in and restore order. If the conflict is domestic, go ahead. But tread carefully if you’re asked to be the sheriff at the office!
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
When you woke up this morning, you may have felt an oppressive mood hanging in the air. Unfortunately, that haze of misunderstanding and conflict is likely to last all day. However, it makes this an ideal time to speak up about anything that’s bothering you! Don’t be shy about going on the warpath today. If you don’t, Scorpio, you’re likely to be the target of a surprise attack.
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
The mood you’re in today is the stuff of which memorable encounters are made. You’ll be wary at first, perhaps even somewhat hostile, to anyone who dares intrude on your freedom. Then suddenly you’ll realize that this person is someone special, intriguing, and definitely out of the ordinary. Finally, Sagittarius, you’ll realize that the qualities he or she offers just happen to be those you need the most right now.
Capricorn (Magaram):
More than ever before, you’ll feel as though it’s time to take matters into your own hands and build your own career future. You’re fed up with living on hope and putting off your happiness until tomorrow. Your determination will be so strong that you could even surprise yourself. Tomorrow you’ll refine your approach and make it more concrete. Today is the first day of a new life for you, Capricorn.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
This is the ideal moment to address once and for all the questions that have been on your mind for the last three weeks, Aquarius. Pay particular attention to questions that touch on your sentimental side. If you’re currently involved in unsatisfactory relationships, don’t be afraid to leave them behind. And if you’re fretting about a request you made that has yet to be answered, let it go. No response is forthcoming.
Pisces (Meenam):
Like your compatriots, Pisces, something is coming to an end concerning the lack of confidence you have in yourself. You have been hesitant to stand in the spotlight for quite a while now, feeling you aren’t quite ready. Well, no more excuses! Ready or not, you’re going to have to push forward. The only thing you risk losing is your pride, and that, Pisces, is your most resilient asset.


Daily Horoscope (Raasi Palan) for 7.4.2014

Aries (Mesham):
Today can be a relaxing day, provided you make the necessary effort to deal with material constraints, Aries. You would like nothing better than to spend much of the day planning fun activities for the future. But, alas, demands from your family, friends, or boss force you to concentrate on the here and now instead. Still, don’t abandon your wonderfully pleasing ambitions altogether.
Taurus (Reshabam):
There is a lot on your mind today, Taurus. Over the last three weeks you’ve analyzed your relationships on a deep and profound level. New people with attractive qualities could be tempting you to make a change. But is this a good time in your life to start up friendships or love relationships? Are you willing to accept the upheaval such changes would create? These are worthwhile questions to ask.
Gemini (Mithunam):
After a few days that were a bit serious, Gemini, today you awake with a light heart and boundless energy! Your capacity for seduction will be at its peak, so why not use it to your advantage? The men and women at work, in particular, will yield to your wishes today. Your influence extends to all levels of the organization. If you’ve been thinking about asking your boss for a raise, do it today!
Cancer (Kadagam):
If you have children, Cancer, you could be feeling a bit overworked and overwhelmed. If you don’t have children, perhaps the constraints and demands of your professional life are weighing heavily on your mind. Don’t worry – these feelings shall pass. Expect an opportunity to get free of the ties that bind. Even though it will only be a temporary respite, take advantage of it!
Leo (Simmam):
Feeling grumpy lately, Leo? Don’t fret, because your bad mood won’t last. This attitude is unlike you. Co-workers notice your change in personality but still treat you with consideration and respect. You’re fortunate to be able to draw upon a considerable wealth of kindness and good karma that you have built up over the years. Your friends and loved ones treat your mood as an aberration, which is exactly what it is.
Virgo (Kanni):
How hard you have to work to achieve your purposes, Virgo! It’s as though you carry around an overstuffed sandbag and each step requires a huge effort! This would be a good day to identify the source of the trouble. Ask if you aren’t sabotaging yourself and letting your subconscious resist the goals you have so deliberately set. You have a deep inner mystery to solve.
Libra (Thulam):
You could have an urge to invent new things, Libra. You feel compelled to create something in the artistic, technical, or philosophical field. If only you’d give yourself enough time to pursue these ideas! Today, realize that concentration is the key to accomplishment. Put away periodicals, computers, phones, and other such distractions and you might well be surprised by the wealth of inspiration that comes to you.
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
Generally, you come up with the perfect, witty answer one day too late. Impulse and intuition take a back seat to your excellent self-control. The day ahead presents one opportunity to let go of the inhibition that sometimes stymies you. Yield to your instincts a little and see what happens. A little more socializing wouldn’t hurt, either. You’re certainly entitled to some fun now and then!
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
You think of yourself as fairly modern in your thinking, don’t you, Sagittarius? But have you really been able to reject tradition entirely? Have you rid yourself of all the outmoded conventions that confined earlier generations? If not, today you’ll be inspired to revamp your role models and lighten your workload. Equality in the home is just as important as equality in the workplace.
Capricorn (Magaram):
There is some likelihood of a slight career conflict, Capricorn. You might have to deal with a co-worker who steps on your toes or runs roughshod over your gentle nature. Defend yourself with your favorite weapons – silence, laughter, and perspective. Let your adversary tangle himself or herself in desperate attempts to justify their behavior. Let your boss be the wise and discerning judge of the matter.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
For a few weeks now you’ve understood that each day brings its share of constraints, Aquarius. For example, today you could feel doubts about your physical appearance. Are you questioning your attractiveness or your ability to make an impression on someone special? Did you use bad judgment at some point, and you’re now afraid that you’ve hurt your reputation? A decision you make at the end of the day will relieve these anxieties.
Pisces (Meenam):
This is a day to think about your private life, Pisces. Expect to be particularly sensitive to all kinds of demands from those close to you. You have the power to create greater harmony at home, specifically in your relationship. Take stock of everyone’s desires and consider any limitations in fulfilling them. Even if the answers aren’t found today, it will be useful to simply ask the questions.









Daily Horoscope (Raasi palan) For 4.4.2014

Aries (Mesham):
You could get the feeling that something is wrong today when it isn’t, Aries. It’s probably just your perspective that needs some adjusting. Pull out your binoculars and focus a bit more so you can stand back yet have the power to examine the details closely. Don’t automatically assume there’s a clear distinction between right and wrong. There are likely a great many shades of gray, too.
Taurus (Resham):
Your sensitive nature is likely to pick up a disturbance in your thinking today, Taurus. Suddenly, a blast of unexpected information could come your way and throw a monkey wrench in your mental process. Try not to get thrown off balance by the sudden jolt. You’ll find that you can incorporate some of this new knowledge in a way that gives you a greater advantage.
Gemini (Mithnam):
You might experience some mental distractions that pull you in different directions today, Gemini. There could be a stubborn internal/external battle brewing. Realize that being in the middle is to your advantage. Look at the situation as a way to learn something about yourself and others. Understanding your opposition’s viewpoint will help you. Incorporate the old and the new into your way of thinking.
Cancer (Kadagam):
It could be difficult for you to think straight today, Cancer. Your brain is probably working in short, erratic bursts that keep you guessing about which way to proceed. Avoid confusion during the day by periodically centering and separating yourself and your feelings from the drama around you. Don’t pretend you understand something if you don’t. If a situation doesn’t make sense, go ahead and question it.
Leo (Simmam):
Freedom is a key aspect of life today, Leo. You might find that your brain wants to break free and pursue more independent ways of thinking. Don’t worry if such ways of thinking lead you into unknown territory. This is a sign that this is probably where you need to be. Your witty banter could take a sudden twist that surprises both you and the people you’re talking to.
Virgo (Kanni):
People are apt to be as stubborn as you in their thinking today, Virgo. This could be a recipe for disaster if you aren’t careful. Open the floodgates a bit wider and take in more of the opinions of others. Don’t automatically assume that other people have to conform to your viewpoint to resolve an issue. More than likely, there needs to be some give and take from all involved.
Libra (Thulam):
You could find yourself staring at a stranger for just one extra second as you pass on the street today, Libra. Your tendency toward the new and bizarre is stronger than usual, and you’re being pulled into different mental directions. Go ahead and introduce yourself to that stranger. Perhaps he or she will become a business partner or new best friend. You never know until you ask.
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
As you work slowly and steadily toward your goals, realize that there are apt to be unexpected obstacles along the way, Scorpio. You can’t possibly plan for everything, so don’t get discouraged today when some crazy variable pops out of nowhere. Your mental process may be thrown for a loop, and you might find that you go into a frenzy. There’s a valuable lesson to be learned here – patience.
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
It’s generally quite clear that you aren’t afraid to tell people what you think, Sagittarius. Maybe it’s time to be more expressive about how you feel. It could be that your mental process is a bit off today, jolted by an unexpected situation or person. Make sure you incorporate some of your instincts and emotions into your reaction to the situation. Don’t rely on your brain alone to have all the answers.
Capricorn (Magaram):
You’re likely to be feeling a bit lonely, perhaps even isolated, Capricorn. Maybe you think no one else has your same wild thoughts running through their heads. You’d be surprised to learn how many people do. It’s unlikely, however, that you’ll share these thoughts with anyone, especially now. Don’t feel like you have to. Just know that you aren’t alone and that you have a network of support at all times.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
If you have the opportunity to teach someone a lesson, Aquarius, feel free to do so. There’s probably someone in your world who could use a bit of instruction now. You’ll have the patience and clarity of words to straighten things out and make the correct path obvious. Don’t be stingy with your knowledge. The situation will improve for you and everyone else when you selflessly spread your wisdom to others.
Pisces (Meenam):
You could hesitate to take the initiative, Pisces. Instead, you’d rather wait and see how things pan out before you make a major move. Your movements are hindered in some way, although you may not be sure why. It’s best to go with your intuition and not question too much. Just know that you’re better off taking the safer route rather than walking too far out on the thin ice.


Daily Horoscope (Raasi palan ) for 28.2.2014

Aries (Mesham):
This is bound to be a fascinating day, Aries. You may have a foreign visitor who fills your mind with visions of adventures in faraway lands. Anyone you meet today is likely to be interesting, so be receptive to any new people who enter your life. Your curiosity and sense of adventure are piqued. You may decide to take a trip. If you do, be prepared for romance. It’s definitely in the stars for you.
Taurus (Reshabam):
Your creativity is at an all-time high today, Taurus. You’re inspired to embark on some long-term creative projects, and you have the energy to see them through to the end. This is a time for you to take a leap of faith and plunge right in. Hesitation will get you nowhere. Whatever it is you’ve been dreaming of doing, do it now.
Gemini (Mithunam):
Be sure to open your mail and answer the phone today, Gemini, as you’re likely to receive some interesting information from a friend or business associate. It could be that a deal that’s been in the works has just been signed, or a romantic interest you’ve been pursuing finally returns your affections. Whatever the day brings, it’s likely to be favorable.
Cancer (Kadagam):
You can expect a warm and friendly environment at work today, Cancer. Enjoy the conversations with your co-workers, but don’t take anything at face value. There may be someone in your midst out to sabotage you. You don’t need to worry about it too much, just take care to document any ideas or insights you have. You may need proof that they’re original.
Leo (Simmam):
An intense passion has been released within you, Leo. You find it hard to resist the urge to take your loved one and run away to some deserted island. You could use a break from civilization. But if you can’t quite make it to that island, how about creating an oasis right in your own home? Order some food from your favorite restaurant, bring it home, and enjoy an intimate evening with your partner.
Virgo (Kanni):
You’re likely to be feeling especially sensuous right now, Virgo. You exude a sort of innocent eroticism and draw many admiring glances. You’re feeling alive and passionate, eager to embrace your life and the special people in it. This would be a great day to plan a romantic evening at home. Cook a nice meal, chill some wine, light some candles, and let nature take its course.
Libra (Thulam):
Try not to let yourself get sucked into participating in idle gossip, Libra. There will be rumors flying today, and you’d be well advised to take cover. While it’s true that there is some truth to the gossip, the embellishments to the story have blown everything out of proportion. Feelings are likely to get hurt. If you don’t want yours to be among them, steer clear of the water cooler.
Scorpio (Thulam):
Let’s hope you aren’t afraid of heights, Scorpio, because today could have you climbing several rungs on the corporate ladder. It seems your hard work over these last few months has paid off. Don’t hesitate to accept the challenge that’s offered to you. If you’re worried about skeletons buried in your office filing cabinets, you’d do well to come clean with the information. Likely your bosses will respect you for your candor and courage.
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
It’s likely that you’re feeling ready for a change, Sagittarius. It isn’t that you’re dissatisfied with your job or environment, rather that your mind is hungry for new challenges. You may be able to satisfy this hunger by taking on more responsibility at work or signing up to attend some evening classes after work. Any new and different activity will give your mind the stimulation it craves.
Capricorn (Magaram):
Certainly there are advantages and disadvantages to the high level of intuition you have. Today you may feel weighed down by some strange thoughts that enter your head. Only time will tell if they are true premonitions or simply weird daydreams. In the meantime, you’d probably be best served by ignoring them completely. Life is too short to play the “what if” game.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
While your enthusiasm is high, your resistance may be a bit low, Aquarius. Take extra good care of yourself during this busy time. Your tendency is to overdo things, attending too many parties and shopping until the stores close. Your social life is in high gear right now, but you’ll have to allow yourself some time to rest if you’re going to have any hope of enjoying it.
Aquarius (Meenam):
While your enthusiasm is high, your resistance may be a bit low, Aquarius. Take extra good care of yourself during this busy time. Your tendency is to overdo things, attending too many parties and shopping until the stores close. Your social life is in high gear right now, but you’ll have to allow yourself some time to rest if you’re going to have any hope of enjoying it.


Daily Horoscope(Raasi palan) for 27.2.2014

Aries (Mesham):
Your head is somewhat in the clouds today, Aries. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it just means that it’s difficult for you to get any work done. Much as you’d rather be elsewhere, you really do need to stay focused on the projects at hand. By all means, plan an exit strategy from the mundane routine of your day-to-day life, but don’t expect to make your escape today.
Taurus (Reshabam):
Your heart and intuition will rule today much more than your mind. Trust what your instincts tell you, Taurus. If you’re in a sales profession, you can expect the orders to come rolling in today, as your extrasensory perception helps you know your clients’ needs almost before they do. Plan a romantic encounter with someone you love, and put your ESP to work on him or her tonight.
Gemini (Mithunam):
Your creative nature will no longer be repressed, Gemini! As you look around your home, you realize you feel the need to spruce it up a bit. Motivated by a desire to give dinner parties and invite family members who live far away to come for a visit, you get to work repainting, wallpapering, and maybe even sending that sofa out to be reupholstered. The final result will be fantastic, Gemini. You’ll be proud.
Cancer (Kadagam):
You’ve always had psychic ability, and today it’s at a peak, Cancer. Perhaps not coincidentally, you’re likely to be contacted by a close friend or lover from your past. He or she isn’t calling to renew your relationship but rather for advice. Your heightened abilities today make you the ideal confidant. Listen closely and advise what your heart tells you is right.
Leo (Simmam):
Prosperity is just around the corner, Leo, if it isn’t here already. All your efforts are about to pay off and in a big way. It may be that a big proposal gets accepted at work, or perhaps a manuscript that you’ve penned lands you a publisher. Your innate talent and good fortune combine to bring wonderful things your way. Enjoy this welcome change of events!
Virgo (Kanni):
There is passion in the air, Virgo, and you’re convinced that you’re the one electrifying the air around you. To be blunt, you can think of little else but sex today. Perhaps it’s a result of working too hard for too long and not taking the time to indulge your sensual side. Well, there’s no time like the present. Why not invite a certain special someone for a home-cooked meal? Light a candle, open a bottle of wine, and see what happens.
Libra (Thulam):
You have an innate psychic ability that only needs some fine-tuning and strengthening for it to develop into a formidable power. Even now you sometimes find yourself reading other people’s thoughts. This sensitivity gets you into trouble sometimes, but mostly it works to your advantage. In relationships, especially, you’re able to put an end to hurt feelings before they evolve into something irreparable.
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
You surprise yourself by signing up for a group lesson rather than a private one. This is unlike you; nevertheless, you find you enjoy the social interaction. Besides, whether you’re learning cooking or rock climbing, it’s always much more fun to learn with others. That way, you can learn from their mistakes and they from yours. It’s bound to be a fun, adventurous day, Scorpio. Enjoy it.
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
You’ve been working especially hard and you’re beginning to wonder if all your effort has been for naught. A restructuring at work leaves you wondering just exactly where you fit in or if you even fit in at all. You may have a troubling few days, Sagittarius, but will be relieved to learn that the higher-ups have big plans for you in the newly organized, streamlined company
Capricorn (Magaram):
You’re bubbling over with confidence and enthusiasm, Capricorn. Not surprisingly, those around you respond in kind. Your smile is contagious, and you have people joking and laughing with you throughout the day. You’ll have much success in whatever you do today, although group efforts will likely prove more rewarding. Romance figures prominently in the evening, so make the most of it!
Aquarius (Kumbam):
Your natural intuition and sensitivity will be heightened today, Aquarius. You’re able to read the thoughts and feelings of others and interpret them accurately. Alas, you can’t use this skill as effectively on yourself. Some old issues have reemerged, causing you some distress. These issues are blocking you in some way. You won’t be able to move forward with your life until you resolve them once and for all. Perhaps a professional psychic could help.
Pisces (Meenam):
A new relationship is likely to form soon, and it will probably be with someone who’s already in your life. Perhaps it’s someone you knew in high school and you just recently got back in touch with, or perhaps a colleague at work suddenly begins to pay you a lot of attention. Romance is definitely in the air today, Pisces, so keep your eyes open for subtle cues from the people in your life.


Daily Horoscope (Raasi palan) for 20.2.2014

Aries (Mesham):
A minor conflict with a romantic partner in the morning is likely to end with a tearful reunion and much reassurance by mid-afternoon. The end of the day could find the two of you planning a romantic trip abroad, even down to the restaurants you want to try! Discussions of spiritual or psychic matters could also bring you closer together. All in all, it’s a tumultuous but romantic day
Taurus (Reshabam):
Your intuition, imagination, and insight have served you well on the job, and should pay off soon. A raise, commission, or perhaps a chance to invest in the company could be offered to you. Your self-esteem will definitely receive a boost! You might also find that you’re growing even more intuitive than usual, and people are looking up to you because of it. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.
Gemini (Mithunam):
You can count on a very idyllic and romantic day today, Gemini. You’re feeling especially warm and sensual, and you tend to view the partner in your life through rose-colored glasses. He or she is very likely to regard you in the same way. If you’ve been longing for a dinner for two, complete with champagne, candlelight, and red roses, this is the day to go for it. And don’t forget the violin music!
Cancer (Kadagam):
Someone who is a student of natural healing may come to visit you and share some ideas today. You tend to be interested in matters concerning health, and you might want to learn not only about herbs and nutrition but also spiritual healing. This is a good time to train your own healing abilities, Cancer, as your sensitivity is high and you’re more able than usual to tune in to the healing energies.
Leo (Simmam):
Books and movies may inspire you to get involved in artistic activities. Your aesthetic sense is very high today, Leo, and you may be drawing your inspiration from the higher realms. You might want to stroll through an art gallery or museum and try to sense the feelings of those from the past. A warm and loving letter or phone call could come from a romantic partner, elevating your mood even more. It’s a very emotionally gratifying day.
Virgo (Kanni):
You could be feeling a bit flush today, Virgo, and therefore you might decide to do a little work on your house. This is more likely to be redecorating than any major repairs, as you’re more into beauty right now than practical matters. Your aesthetic sense is very high, inspired from the higher realms, and therefore decorating decisions you make today are likely to be beautiful. Go to it!
Libra (Thulam):
You’re feeling especially psychically and mystically inclined today, Libra. You might want to read about such matters or attend a lecture or workshop given by someone in the field. Telepathic communications are coming your way. Don’t be surprised if more than once during the course of the day you and another say the same thing at the same time. You might also experience a powerful kinship with people from the past.
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
You’re usually a very practical and down-to-Earth person, but today you may be more inclined than usual toward mysticism. Spiritual matters seem extremely appealing, and you could find yourself gravitating toward metaphysical bookstores or seeking discussions with people who are well versed in such matters. You also find your imagination working overtime. Indulge in a few flights of fancy, Scorpio. We all need to escape from time to time!
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
Group activities involving meditation, psychic or spiritual topics, or artistic pursuits are probably very appealing to you right now, Sagittarius. This is the perfect day to start a class or attend a lecture on such subjects. You could meet some interesting people who become close friends. You’re likely to feel a psychic bond with anyone you meet today, and you’re likely to get the feeling that your life has changed for the better. Enjoy!
Capricorn (Magaram):
You’re normally a very intuitive person, and today you may experience clairvoyance that could rival Jeane Dixon’s. You could be feeling especially attuned to other planes, and your dreams are likely to be powerful and vivid. Use the messages you receive to inspire creative pursuits. Try your hand at painting, music, or poetry. You might not only be amazed by the results but learn even more from the work itself.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
Your imagination is flying high today, Aquarius. Your interest in mystical and metaphysical matters is at an all-time high, and you could find yourself strolling through New Age bookstores. Travel to distant places may seem especially appealing, and you might dream of flying to India, Israel, Egypt, or Ireland. This is all wonderful as long as you stay grounded. Plan a trip if you can. Join a meditation group. Go with the flow!
Pisces (Meenam):
Some wonderful news concerning money and career matters could come your way today, Pisces. Your natural kindness and sympathy for others has led you to make some good friends who are also valuable business contacts. This is definitely paying off. Your aesthetic sense is at an all-time high, so this is a great day to start any creative projects that you have in mind. Success is definitely coming your way!


Daily Horoscope (Raasi palan ) for 18.2.2014

Aries (Mesham):
The hard work and good business sense that you’ve put into your job may finally be paying off, Aries. Expect some positive changes to take place at the workplace this week. Today you’re likely to be feeling especially energetic and decide to give your house a thorough cleaning. Don’t try to do this on your own, however. You need to conserve your energy. Get other members of your household to help!
Taurus (Reshabam):
Insights that may come welling up from the past could be put to work for you in a positive way, Taurus. You could use them as inspiration for a creative project of some kind, or you could just make them work for you in your day-to-day dealings with others. You should be feeling especially romantic and sexy today, and you might want to go shopping for clothes made of soft, touchable fabrics. Relations with lovers should be close and passionate.
Gemini (Mithunam):
Your home might need some work today, Gemini. You and other members of your household could decide to join forces and get everything done. This might simply involve a thorough cleaning, or it could mean major repairs of some sort, perhaps plumbing or electrical. If the latter, it isn’t a good idea to try to do this yourself. There could be factors involved that are more complicated than they seem. Don’t be afraid to call in a professional.
Cancer (Kadagam):
Expect a lot of letters and phone calls from lovers, close friends, or children today, Cancer. You might also want to make a few yourself. Some positive and interesting information may have come your way that you’ll want to share with those close to you. You could also want to try your hand at writing. You’ll want to make sure that you remember whatever it is you learn today, Cancer, as it could prove valuable in the future.
Leo (Simmam):
Studying some paperwork involving your finances could bring a pleasant surprise. You’re better off than you thought, Leo! Dividends or benefits of some kind might be forthcoming. You could decide to treat yourself, buy some gifts for your family, or perhaps do some work on your home. Do take care to avoid impulse buying, and don’t go crazy spending. You don’t want your funds to disappear as quickly as they came!
Virgo (Kanni):
Today some information might come your way that inspires you to come up with some valuable new ideas, Virgo. Your own intuitive faculties are operating at a very high level, and therefore your insights could prove valuable. Make sure you cover every possible contingency. This knowledge could be used to advance your own career and financial interests, so you may want to spend an hour or two writing down your thoughts.
Libra (Thulam):
Your intuition, physical and intellectual energy, and insight are at an all-time high today, Libra. You’ll probably want to spend much of the day alone, reflecting on your ideas and deciding how you want to put them to work for you. At some point, you may want to put your thoughts in writing. You could also tune in more strongly than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others.
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
You could well be bubbling over with physical energy today, Scorpio. You might want to spend your day visiting with friends. You could pick up some interesting information from them, which you might be able to put to work for you. You could lay plans for finally attaining a long-term goal; perhaps a lucky break made this possible. Expect to spend most of your day talking and planning!
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
Visitors in your home, perhaps invited by others in your household, could put a crimp in your desire to be alone and hash out your thoughts today, Sagittarius. Your mind is sharp and ideas should come thick and fast. Don’t get so irritated with the situation at home that you sabotage your plans. You might want to go off somewhere by yourself, possibly to simply sequester yourself in your own room.
Capricorn (Magaram):
You’re very intuitive by nature, Capricorn, and today you should be feeling especially so. Don’t be surprised if you spontaneously tune in to the ideas and emotions of those around you, or even if you and someone else come up with the same words at the same time. Use your insights to increase your understanding of others. You might also find that they bring artistic inspiration and even advance your worldly ambitions.
Aquarius (Kumbam):
This should be one of those days when you feel as if you could conquer the world. You feel strong and determined, Aquarius, and willing to do whatever it takes to get wherever you want to be. A goal could be attained at this time, ambitions realized, or perhaps a lucky break could come your way. This is an excellent day to seek a new job, ask for a raise, or make a favorite project a success
Pisces (Meenam):
A business or love partner could bring opportunities for advancement your way today, Pisces. You may decide to draft or execute legal papers that could be very important to your future. Travel might somehow be involved. Romance looks promising today. Your confidence and enthusiasm are showing in your face and could make you seem more attractive than usual, both to your partner and strangers. In the evening, plan an intimate celebration!


Daily Horoscope (Raasi Palan) for 17.2.2014

Aries (Mesham):
Your optimism and enthusiasm should be very high today, Aries. Business and partnerships have been proving both satisfying and profitable lately, and you could receive information today about new doors that could unexpectedly open up for you. You’ve worked hard, supposedly without results, for a long time, and now it seems like everything’s happening at once. This is very exciting, but remember that if you want to maintain your current pace, you have to keep working! Get going!
Taurus (Reshabam):
Today your level of imagination and intuition is especially high, Taurus. Trust your heart today, especially where new projects and money are concerned. Insights may appear to knock at the doors of your conscious mind, yet it might take some deep thought to grasp their significance. Don’t try to work it out through logic; it’s best to let it all come to you. Then make use of logic to consider what you should do about it!
Gemini (Mithunam):
This should be a very busy day for you, Gemini, as communications involving business matters could take up much of your time. These could concern your own goals or those of a friend or a group with which you’re affiliated. Whatever it is, you should feel a strong sense of elation and optimism. Success is definitely in the wind. However, try not to exhaust yourself. Take occasional breaks. Don’t forget that you’ll need to keep going tomorrow.
Cancer (Kadagam):
Business matters take a sudden turn for the better, Cancer. Paperwork may need to be executed. A new sense of self-confidence contributes to these developments, and the more good things that happen to you, the more confident you’ll feel. Your physical appearance could assume more importance in your mind than usual, since you’ll want the way you look to match the way you feel inside. Buy some new clothes and keep working. The sky’s the limit.
Leo (Simmam):
A chance to travel, perhaps for business purposes, could present itself to you today, Leo. This might require some temporary adjustments in your personal life, but don’t let this stop you. You’ll want to make the most of whatever new opportunities come your way at this time. Career success is highly indicated, and this could make a profound and positive difference in the course of your life. Go for the gold!
Virgo (Kanni):
Someone in the know could come to you today with opportunities for increasing your income, Virgo, perhaps involving investments of time or other resources in new business enterprises. These possibilities are worthy of consideration, yet you need to be particularly businesslike and consider all the ins and outs and pros and cons before committing to anything. One prospect may be just what you want, while another might turn out to be entirely different. Give it some thought!
Libra (Thulam):
If you’ve been thinking about starting a new business partnership, Libra, this is the day to take some positive action toward that end. Any new business enterprises started today, particularly involving partnerships, show a lot of promise for success. This might make a profound difference in the course of your life, so make sure you allow for as many contingencies as you can. Go for the gold and enjoy the adventure!
Scorpio (Viruchagam):
Some rather boring and mundane tasks, perhaps involving paperwork, could take up much of your time today, Scorpio. You could get easily distracted and be tempted to set it aside and do something more interesting, but don’t fall into this trap. You’ll want your recent pattern of success to continue, and so it’s best to get the boring stuff out of the way and then move on to what’s exciting. Hang in there!
Sagittarius (Dhanusu):
New enterprises that you’ve worked to perfect for a long time, perhaps involving writing, speaking, or publishing, might pay off today, Sagittarius. Success definitely appears to be in the wind, and those in authority could be more than impressed with what you’ve been trying to achieve. Grab the gold ring now and take advantage of this opportunity, since it might be a long time before another one comes around. Onward and upward!
Capricorn (Magaram):
Some paperwork involving business enterprises could be executed today, Capricorn, possibly in your home. This might be a new and unexpected development. It could have you feeling a bit disoriented, but try to pull yourself together and make the most of it. Whatever the opportunity, all signs say that it might prove quite successful, so don’t let it pass you by. Go with the flow and see where it takes you. You could be pleasantly surprised!
Aquarius (Kumbam):
Success in business, perhaps involving writing or speaking, might come your way today, Aquarius. Paperwork, such as contracts, could take up a lot of your time. You might also have to spend a lot of time on the phone or in the car. All this activity could have you feeling a bit frazzled. Nonetheless, you’re going to feel very enthusiastic and optimistic about everything that’s happening, and you should look forward to future enterprises. Enjoy!
Pisces (Meenam):
You’ve worked hard to promote your business interests, Pisces, and today it might pay off. Money, or contracts promising it, could come your way, as well as new opportunities to pursue success, perhaps in writing, teaching, or publishing. Friends and family members should be as excited as you are, and perhaps you’ll want to have a celebration of some sort. Relax for a while and enjoy your evening. You’ll be back at your tasks soon enough. You can count on it!
